Canvas Instructor Guide

Canvas Instructor FAQ

A guide outlining the most common questions about aPlus+ Attendance from Instructors.

I see a “One more step” message

This indicates that the users browser is blocking third party cookies. This is more and more common.

The message provides a link to open the LTI in a new window. Once the user has done this, aPlus+ will be added to the browsers trusted sites and they will not see this message for some time.

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I see popup asking me to Authorize

This is aPlus+ seeking permission from Canvas to connect to Canvas. You will see this from time to time (as your user token expires). Please click “Authorize”

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I merged my section timetables after I had already taken attendance at section level.

This requires some care and we recomend speaking to your support team prior.

Attendance must be manually copied to the new merged timetable. A new merged timetable would have been created when they saved the merge option.

Attendance must then be cleared from the section specific timetables

Those timetables can then be deleted.

I am missing students from my roster

Check the roster in Canvas, this is where the student roster is sourced from. If the course has multiple sections, check that the students are in the correct section, or that the instructor knows to change sections in aPlus+

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I am missing sessions from my course

Check that the sessions are in the SIS or scheduling system. For the most part, aPlus+ is pulling scheduling data from background files.

My session dates are populated automatically, but I want to add some sessions, or I changed some sessions and they keep reverting back.

You may use the detach function to edit imported session, please see this LINK. In most cases instructors are locked out of making manual modifications from their schedule. However, your support team will be able to unlock it for you.

You can add additional sessions manually using the session wizard.

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I need some different attendance statuses

Attendance statuses can be added to the system, but it should go through your businesses correct channels. Statuses need to be considered by the outputs of the system as they will affect those outputs.

I saw an attendance status set, but I can’t seem to find it.

The system does support automation and restricted attendance statuses. These are not available for manual selection by instructors (unless a student already had that set and you opened the dropdown for that student, in that case it will show so that you can restore it.)

It likely that these were set by the automation in the system or, by a user with higher permissions that yourself.

Zoom – Some students are not being matched correctly

Matchin is done via name. It is important to have students entering their exact name as shown in Canvas.

Code – Students are saying that they entered the code, but were not marked as attended.

The best way to troubleshoot this issue is to go and take a look at the logs for the session. These codes are time sensitive, and often it is simply due to instructors or students not realizing the time.

A good way to check this is to see what time the other students registered their code. If its close to the cutoff, its usually a good indication that they student just ran out of time.

For any persistent issues, we ask that the student sends screenshot from the code entry screen that includes the system clock in it. There is also a Code Entry log available to your system administrators.

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aPlus+ Attendance syncs the course, sections and students from the matching course in Canvas.

If a student is removed from a course in Canvas, that will be reflected in aPlus+.

This can include:

  • Removal of the student from a course
  • Deletion of a student from Canvas
  • Setting a student in inactive in Canvas

There are several scenarios for how this is treated in aPlus+.

If a student has no attendance yet recorded for them, they will be removed from the course in aPlus+ altogether.

If the student has attendance recorded for them in the course, they will be marked as “withdrawn” with a small ‘w’ icon against their name. All future sessions will them be marked with the attendance status of Withdrawn.