Editing imported timetables or schedules
In many installations, the course timetable/schedules are imported automatically from your Student Information System, or from the Canvas course calender. A session that has been imported will show a double arrow icon.
These events can be edited in aPlus+ Attendance directly, without affecting the original source of this data (SIS or Canvas)
To do this, first check that your timetable is unlocked in the Sessions view. If this shows as locked, then select it to unlock it, or contact your system administrator if uthe unlock option is greyed out (disabled).
To edit a single session, select the dropdown arrow to the right of the session and select Edit session.
A warning will pop up and confirm that you wish to detach the session from the source event data. This means that if your timetable or schedule is coming from the SIS or Canvas, that the session will no longer update from those sources and will instead reflect the changes you make to them directly in aPlus+.
Select Detach to continue
The session can then be edited. Select "Save Changes", when you have completed your changes.
Select the checkbox against the sessions that you would like to edit and select "Edit <number> selected"
A warning will pop up and confirm that you wish to detach these sessions from the source event data. This means that if your timetable or schedule is coming from the SIS or Canvas, then these sessions will no longer update from those sources and will instead reflect the changes you have made to them directly in aPlus+.
Complete the changes as needed, then select Apply changes.
If a session needs to be rattached to the automatic SIS or Canvas course calender import, the 'undo' icon can be selected on the event. This means that any changes made to the session, will be undone, and the session will be updated automatically to the setting from the SIS or Canvas moving forward.
A detached session will show a 'ghost' placement in the calender, showing that it is detached, and its original date and time
To cancel or delete a single session, select the dropdown arrow to the right of the session and select Cancel or Delete session.
This will retain a ghost placement of the session.
Cancel would typically be used for the unexpected cancellation of a session.
Delete would be used when a session is incorrectly coming from the SIS or Canvas source data.
There is no difference to how these options behave within aPlus+ Attendance at this time, other than the labeling.
A ghost placement will remain showing where the session was cancelled. To undo the cancellaing, select the undo icon.