Canvas Admin Topics
Canvas Course Dashboard
The canvas course dachboard within aPlus+ Attendance allows admin users to see an overview of which courses have been imported from Canvas, and the setup of those courses.
Setup can also be managed in bulk for courses.
Please take care making course configuration changes once course attendance collection has begun.
"Admin -> Plugin -> Canvas", then select "Course Dashboard"

The columns are as follows:
- Code and Title - Code and Title of the course
- Start - Start date of course
- Finish - Finish date of course
- Sub Account - The direct parent sub account of the course.
- Stud - Count of students enrolled in the course
- WD- Count of students who are withdrawn
- Stf - Count of staff assigned
- Already Setup - Has the instructor already completed setup, or has this course been imported via Bulk import
- Semester - Assigned semester
- Canvas Import - Is the course calender imported from Canvas (SISindicated yes)
- SIS Import - Is the course calender imported from an SIS import file (SIS indicates yes)
- Manual - Is the course calender manually setup (Manual indicates yes)
- Merged Sections - Is the course set to merge all sections into a single roster for attendacne recording.
- Weightings - How are sessions in the calender weighted relative to each other. Equal Sessions (1 point), Hours Duration (fractional), Hours Duration (Rounded Up)
- Timetable - The list of timetables that are setup. If the course has its sections merged, there should be just one. If they have multiple sections, and are not merged, there should be multiple. In some cases where you may have a special lab section and lecture section, you may also see two items here. There is a list of attributes against each timetable showing how its setup
- ----Lock Icon - Indicates whether the timetable is locked to prevent instructors making changes
- ----Double Arrow Icon - Indicates that the tiemtable roster is correctly synced with Canvas
- ----Alloc - Indicates that students are allocated to the timetable
- ----Sn- indictes the number of sessions setup in the timetable
- ----MCI - Multiple checkins enabled
- ----Att -Indicates how many attendance records exist against students in this timetable
- TAs - Indicates which Teaching Assistent Users have been assigned to this course.
- Gradebook - Indicates whether the course is using the Gradebook integration back to Canvas, and if so, how it is configured.
- Sync - Click on this to force a sync
- Setup - Navigate directly to the attendance setup page for this course
- API - Navigate to the aPlus+ Canvas API explorer. This is helpful to troubleshoot if information about the course looks incorrect.
Selecting 'Show IDs" on the top left of the grid will add coluns for
- aPlus+ ID - the ID of the course that we creates in aPlus+
- Canvas ID - the ID of the course that Canvas assigns
- SIS ID - the ID of the course that the SIS assigns.
To apply changes to multiple courses at once, select them in the left hand column, then select "With Selected 'Courses'"

All items selected to show options

All items selected to show options