Canvas Centralized User Guide

Reporting Overview

About Reports in aPlus+

aPlus+ provides an extensive range on flexible reports. This guide covers the functionality provided by these reports.

Note that instructors are able to access course level reports for the courses that they have access to. This is covered in Course Attendance Reports.

Accessing Reports

Reports are visible in the top navigation to staff who have the relevant permissions set. Permissions required are outlined in Administrator Role Options .

There are 3 options in the Report menu item.

  • Reports Overview – A list of the reporting options available.
  • Shared Reports - A list of reports that have been created and shared with admin users.
  • My Reports – A list of reports that you have created and saved in the past.
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Reports Overview

This page provides a list of the reports that can be created. Shortcuts to your most recently used Saved and Shared Reports are on the right of the page.

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Shared Reports

Shared reports allow you to view any reports that have been shared.

It should be noted that shared reports are visible to any users who have reporting access, whether that be at system level or school level. They will be able to see the report for the full data set that it was initially set up with without restriction. Care should be taken while sharing reports.

If you are setting up a report for a single user, other than yourself, a more secure option is to impersonate that user and setup then save the report so it shows up under their “My Reports”.

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My Reports

My Reports allows a user to see and open, any report that they have saved in the past. This allows for fast access to existing reports. Existing reports can also be an excellent starting point when a slightly different report is needed.

The last date that a report was accessed is also visible

Reports can be deleted by selecting the trash can icon next to a report.

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Building a Report

Navigate to the Report Overview Tab and select the type of report that you would like to build.

The re[ort output is detailed in each reports dedicated section in this guide. However, the onscreen descriptions best outline them at a high level.

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Common Settings

All of the reports share some common setting options, these are outlined here.

Course Selection

Select the blue course selection button.

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Report across all accounts, or, chose to select from the subaccount list.

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Select your sub accounts that you wish to report across. Hold shift to select multiple.

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Select “Next: Choose Courses”

This screen is simply a filtering screen to help build the list of courses you would like to report on.

You can select many courses by using filters such as the semester, or date ranges.

Alternatively, courses can be manually selected from a list.

Example 1: All courses that are in the SP2021 semester and are active as of today.

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Example 2: Courses that are active as of today, that are then refined manually by selecting individual courses.

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Date From and Date To

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The date selection fields can be setup with actual dates, or relative dates. Relative dates are useful for reports that may need to be run weekly, and change the dates of the report automatically based on when the report is run.

In this example, the report will cover the period from August 26th through until the last Saturday before this report is run (Week End, adjusted to be the previous week).

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Whenever the above report is run, it will always include data up until the previous Saturday with no manual adjustment needed.

Group By

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This allows you to define the grouping of the data. The options include:

  • Course
  • Qualification (typically a combination of subaccount and year/term)
  • Course - Qualification
  • Student
  • Student - Course
  • School

Time Period

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This allows you to define the breakdown of the data by time period. The options include:

  • Week-Year
  • Weekday
  • Month-Year
  • Day of Month
  • Day-Month-Year
  • Quarter
  • Year
  • Total
  • Session Date
  • Session Seq

Only Tagged Students

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Filter the report to show only students with the selected tag


Attendance Summary Report

The Attendance Summary Report summarizes attendance rates by qualification, course, student, enrolment, by chosen time period groups, such as month, year, day of week. By choosing the courses you would like to report on, and using different groupings and time period combinations, you can obtain a variety of outputs. Also allows filtering poor attendance rates.

The optional settings and parameters contain descriptions adjacent to them.

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Session Duration Summary by Course Report

The Session Duration Summary by Course Report shows a sum of course duration by time or points.

The optional settings and parameters contain descriptions adjacent to them.

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Student Contact Summary Report

The Student Contact Summary Report shows student attendance by time. This report is typically used for reporting on courses where attendance is recorded by contact hours or minutes.

The optional settings and parameters contain descriptions adjacent to them. However there are separately that need to be treated with care in order to get an accurate report.

Default Duration: If any sessions are in the timetable for the course with no duration selected, this setting will allow you to give those sessions a duration for the purposes of this report.

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Time in/out based: When this is set to yes, it will base the contact hours on the time in and time out fields with respect to a student’s attendance. If it is set to no, it will based the contact hours on the attendance status weighting multiplied by the session durations.

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Consecutive Absences Report

The Consecutive Absences Report identifies students who have consecutive absences exceeding the threshold defined in your report parameters. This report is typically used to identify students who may be dropping out of a class.

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Absences Summary Report

The Absences Summary Report identifies students who have absences exceeding the threshold defined in your report parameters. This report is typically used to identify students who may be dropping out of a class.

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Attendance Progress Report

The Attendance Progress Report is useful to monitor that attendance is being taken.

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How to read this report:

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Courses with no Timetable Report

Use this report to identify any courses that do not currently have a timetable.

Student Attendance by Status

The Student Attendance Status Report provides a way to find students by selected attendance statuses. Time in and Out can be included as well.

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Date Last Attended Report

The Date Last Attended Report shows the date of first and last attendance by student or by student and course. This report can be helpful for Financial Aid reporting.

Attendance Status selection: Select no statuses in order to run the report for any positive attendance. Select statuses to run the report against just those statuses.

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Other Report Options

  1. Save the report to your ‘My Reports”, or Share it, or schedule it to email out (note that this is student information and extreme care should be taken with respect to using email options)
  2. Export the report using the export Icon.
  3. Change the report, or fine tune it (you can also do this to saved reports, meaning saved reports can be an excellent starting point for new reports)
  4. Change to Data View, allowing for sorting. This is also a better view for extracting data to excel spreadsheets as it fills in blank rows that are left blank for readability in Matrix view.
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Scheduling Reports

After running a report, select the Save/Schedule button.

  • Select “Schedule Email”
  • Define the target email address, multiple email addresses can be included using a comma between them.
  • Choose whether the report should only be generated when there is data contained within it. Selecting this ensures that the report does not send when it is blank. Take care with this setting, as a blank report may in itself be meaningful to a recipient in some cases.
  • Select the schedule (by selecting the edit pen icon in the textbox)
  • Add a messaged describing the report if desired.
  • Select Save.
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Sorting Reports

  • Change the report to data table view.
  • Column headers can then be selected to force sorting on that column.
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Viewing an Overview of Reports that are Scheduled

Navigate to Admin > General > Scheduler

This will show an overview of scheduled task that are setup in your system.

Scheduled Reports are marked with in the handler column.

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Select the clock icon on the left of the row you are interested in to determine more about each task.

This screen is for advanced usage only. Any alteration to a report schedule should be made in the reports area.

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Report Dashboard

Users who have correct permissions can view the Report Dashboard. This provides a report of all reports that have been configured in the system, and can be helpful for managing reports.

The Report Dahsboard can be accessed from Reports-> Reports Dashboard

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By default the dashboard shows only reports that are scheduled. This can be changed by unselecting the "scheduled reports only" checkbox and selecting the Update button.

To make a modification to a report, select the small blue button to the rignt with the 3 white dots.

This will provide some administrator options

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Open a report for editing - will open the configuration page for the report. Where course selections, and other paramaters can be adjusted.

  • Run Report - Runs the report with the current configuration, the report will show on screen.
  • Open in Scheduler - This shows the line item in the system scheduler, which is useful for checking if it has been running as scheduled.
  • Change Owner to: - Change the owner of the report, this is helpful if the current report owner has changed roles.
  • Copy to: - Creates a duplicate of a report, and assingns it to the user that is enter in this text box.
  • Delete ... - Removes the report.