Canvas Centralized User Guide

Centralized User Troubleshooting

Sessions are not showing for a course, or any courses!

This can mean a number of things, however the most common (if you generally provide the course schedules via file), is that the file has not been updated for the new semester. Or, is missing a course for some reason.

I can't seem to see all of the courses that I expect in the Admin portal.

The admin portal uses a date filter to prevent users from being inundated with every course ever. Generally this needs to be updated at the start of each semester. It is on the upper right of the home page.

If you still cannot see courses, then check the start date of the course has not been adjusted to be prior to your expected semester date.

Still not fixed?

Then please have an admin check that your user has access to all of the required subaccounts in aPlus+. If you have some new subaccounts in Canvas, then its possible these are not open to you by default in aPlus+.

I am seeing the same timetable for multiple sections.

If you are providing schedules via a file. This can mean that the schedule it per course, rather than per section. This is a common issue if you have recently moved to allow cross listing in Canvas. Please speak to your aPlus+ rep to get this resolved.