Scanning Tools
The scanning support tools can be found in the admin portal.
Admin -> Capture -> Capture Records

This page will show any scans that could not be reconciled with a session or student.
In the Reason Column:
- Student not found - indicates that a card or student Id was entered, that does not match a student in aPlus+. This may be due to a recently replaced card, new enrollment, or an accidental scan of a nonstudent ID card (transit, gym, etc)
- No matching session - indicates that a student has scanned, but the system does not have them schduled to be in that location at that time. This can be affected by the scan selector windows. To view a students schdule from this page, select the '[TT]' link next to their name.

A key feature of this page is that scans can be reprocessed by selecting them, and then clicking the "Reprocess Records" button at the top right. This can be very helpful when a non-matched scan is due to a course change or card replacement making its way through the systems.
The scanning selectors define the rules around scanning. For example, how much time either side of a scheduled class start time, can a student scan to be marked as attended, or tardy. These are generally setup during your implementaion, but are avialable here to make adjustments to as you fine tune your setup.
Admin -> Capture -> Selectors

Select a selector to make an adjustment (your selectors will likely be much simpler than these)

Apply Status: defines which status will be set when a scan meets this condition
Require Existing Status: This is only used for double scan situtaions, where a student may have been required to scan in and scan out. The scan in status would be selected here.
Priority: In some circumstances multiple selectors will match a scan condition, this setting allows a priority to be set.
From Based On: Select whether the scan window is relative to a sessions start or end time.
From Minutes: The number of minute relative to the above setting, that the scanning condition starts.
To Based On: Select whether the scan window is relative to a sessions start of end time.
To Minutes: The number of minuites realtive to the above setting, that the scanning condition ends.
Session Duration From and To: In some circumstances you may wish to have some scanning rules apply to only sessions of a certain duration. For example, a 3 hour lecture, may get more flexibility that a 1 hour lecture.
Calculate points based on scan times: Please ask your aPlus+ Attendance representitive about this advanced option as it must be set with other settings in the system. This allows time based attendance to convert to a point value on a prorated basis.