Canvas Admin Topics

Student Tags (grouping students, not id card tags)

There are two references to "tags" in aPlus+. One is for assigning id cards to students for the purposes of card scanning - this page is not in reference to that.

The other is for grouping students for the purposes of enhancing filtering within reports - this page is for that.


Student tags allow for students to be assigned a tag that can then be used for report filtering.

It is possible to have many tags assigned to a student. Some common examples include:

  • Assigned student advisor
  • Residence hall
  • Source high school (if using to report for advance high school groups)

Assigning Tags

Tags can be set either manually on the students profile page, via a manually imported file, or via an automated background file feed.

Assign via Student Profile

To set a tag, open the students profile page, then enter the tag in section at the bottom as indicated below.

  • Type the tag,
  • If a matching one already exists, it will prepopulate and allow you to select it
  • Select Add
  • Select Save Tag Changes (its easy to miss this step, which will result in the tags not being saved)

Remove via Student Profile

  • Simply select the black x on the tag you would like to remove
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Assign via Tools - Manually Imported File

To set tags in bulk for many students at once

  • Navigate to "Admin -> Tools"
  • Then open the "Import Tags" tab.
  • Follow the page instructions on how to create a CSV file of the students tags to import them in.

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Remove via Tools

  • Navigate to "Admin -> Tools"
  • Then open the "Remove Tags" tab
  • To remove a tag in bulk, from all of the students that it is assigned to, enter it in the search field. All tags that match will show, along with the number of times that it has been assigned.
  • Select the checkbox next to the tag, and select "Remove Selected Tags" to remove them.

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Manage via a Background File

aPlus+ can also sync tags with a regular automated file import from our sFTP server. This is common for situations where tags may be somewhat dynamic.

We can also script an automated tag based on criteria that we may already hold.

Please speak to your account representative to find out more about these options.

Report Filtering Using Tags

Most reports include a filter option in the report criteria that allows you to filter the results to only students with the set tag(s).

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